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Koło do zmiany obrazów i kolorów napędzane silnikiem do DMX4

997,08 zł
Zdjęcia dzięki uprzejmości PROIETTA srl

 Koło napędzane silnikiem
do automatycznej zmiany zdjęć (gobo) lub kolorowych filtrów i soczewki w nim zamocowanych. TYLKO DO DMX4.

Is a new electronic board that allows to control any dynamic/motorized accessory unit through a software configured from the display mounted on the same board. It is geared toward image switch and color change or fading programs but can be also useful to have complete control of any of the dynamic accessories accepted by the projector other than gobo and color wheels (it allows to manage up to 4 different stepper engines simultaneously).

It can also be used to automatically switch the images (steel or glass gobos) or the colored dichroic filters and prismatic lenses applied to the color wheel simoultaneously on different projctors and to autonomously create fading effects among the different images held by the same projector or between the images or effects projected by two or more projectors connected in series through the 3-pole DMX input and output sockets (located at the bottom of the board). 

In this way, with two or more projectors operating in MASTER/SLAVE chain mode, can be achieved to contemporarily change color or image and get a syncronized effect between a virtually unlimited number of projectors or to create a crossfading effect between two different projections on the same projection surface.

Each unit includes a mororized wheel suitable as gobo wheel or color wheel. Other wheels and effects (such as an additional color wheel or a shtter/dimmer wheel to create fadings) may be purchased separately on request.


Cena produktu w złotówkach będzie korygowana po aktualnym kursie Euro z dnia zakupu.

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